Salt Lake City Homes: When looking at Salt Lake City Homes, search within your pre-approved price range.

This may sound obvious, but here it is anyway.  Salt Lake City home buyers should look within their pre-approved price range. 


Here are some of the reasons I can think of:

  1. Why waste your time looking at Utah homes you can’t afford?
  2. Sometimes Salt Lake City home buyers qualify for more than they really want to spend.  What will you cut back in your budget for that more expensive home?
  3. You might miss out on a home within your price range that you didn’t see because you were wasting your time looking at ones you can’t afford.
  4. Why set yourself up for disappointment looking at homes you can’t afford?
  5. Sellers go out of their way to allow you to see their home, why inconvenience them?  If it’s an open house and you’re actively looking, take a look.
  6. Looking at homes is not a sport or a hobby. Go ride a bike, read a book, go to a movie and have fun!
  7. OK honestly, I can see if you can afford $200,000 that you might look at Utah homes up to $210,000 for purposes of negotiation, but beyond that probably not.

If you need help with the purchase of a Salt Lake City home, condo or duplex, please contact me.  I’ve been a Salt Lake City realtor for over 10 years and this year so far, 80% of my clients have been Buyers of homes and condos in the Salt Lake City metro area.




Kevin Coyle

Realtor, Associate Broker, MBA

Stonebrook Real Estate

Mobile: 801-243-0699

Office: 801-466-8977


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