Things You Can Do To Your House To Be Greener

Apr 19, 2022 | Home Tips, Solar Energy

 It’s getting to be that time of year again. Spring fever means spring cleaning. And while you are at it, why not make your space a little ‘greener’ and save a little green.

Really all we are talking about here is making your house more efficient.

One of the biggest things you can do to ‘green’ up your space is plugging up some of those energy leaks. Think weather stripping and windows. A full window upgrade may be out of your budget, unless you’ve been planning for it, but some good weatherstripping will go a long way to cut down your energy bill.


While on the topic of windows, consider your window treatments. Your curtains and blinds are not just for keeping nosy neighbors from peaking in, they are also a great means of keeping the heat and cool where you want it. Despite keeping your windows closed, heat and cold air can still creep in or leak out. Upgrading your curtains or blinds is another great way to maintain the temperature and make your home more environmentally friendly. 

In the dry climate we live in, water becomes a concern as well. By all means, keep your garden, but put in a drip irrigation system for that garden. You will save money on water, whether you have secondary water or not. If that is not an option right now, fix any leaks in your current sprinkler system. If you are watering by hand or hose, set a timer so you don’t let the water run over. Or depending on your city ordinances, xeriscaping your yard would be a great option for saving water as well, and it just looks good, considering the climate and landscape around here. Water conservation happens inside the house too, think about low-flow faucets, toilets, and showerheads.


Another way to green up your space is to purchase the right energy-efficient light bulbs. This could make a huge difference. No matter how tempting incandescent bulbs are, LED bulbs are the better alternative. They last longer, are eco-friendly, and will save you money in the long run.

Solar power is also an option, but not always feasible. If you can’t afford or don’t have the ability for solar, maybe you own a condo or townhome, but your electricity comes from Rocky Mountain Power, you could consider their Blue Sky Program. You can buy carbon offset credits through this program and support renewable energy efforts here in Utah. Even if you only purchase 2  Blue Sky blocks per month, this reduces your carbon footprint by roughly 2000 pounds of CO2 per year. 

Whatever you do here, you are saving yourself some money, and helping the environment. Take some time, run some numbers, but likely at least one of the measures mentioned here makes sense for you.

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